Publications and Resources
AAMA's publications and resources provide essential tools and information to help medical assistants stay informed, advance their careers, and excel in their profession.
I never realized I was such a good teacher until people started telling me. It’s great that my channel allows me to reach so many medical assistants outside my classroom.
I would not get through my day without my CMA (AAMA). She wears many hats throughout the day and is able to treat patients with respect and compassion despite how busy she is. A thousand thank-yous would not suffice [to convey] how grateful I am to have her by my side.
My CMAs (AAMA) are so knowledgeable and experienced that they can discern and get to the crux of the issue with the patient, so we don’t have to do a lot of back-and-forth phone calls. Being a medical assistant can be a difficult job, and I thank mine daily for what they do.